These are some videos I shot during Hac5, the 5th Hackathon in Utrecht.
Since I have a cheap camera with a cheap microphone, the sound isn’t too great. Also, from all the shaky camerawork, you might notice that I didn’t use a tripod…
Anyway, enjoy!
Compilation video
A compilation of clips from the 5th Haskell Hackathon.
This video shows two days of Haskell hacking by over 50 people who gathered at Utrecht University in April of 2009.
UHC Announcement
Atze Dijkstra announces the Utrecht Haskell Compiler (UHC).
Vacuum + Adaptive Containers
Don Stewart demos vacuum-cairo by showing Adaptive containers.
Christophe Poucet shows the Ubigraph backend to Vacuum.
Clips from LHC demo
David Himmelstrup demos the LHC Haskell Compiler. The LHC is a full program compiler that uses the GHC as its frontend.
Read more on the LHC blog and download it from Hackage.
Clips from Leksah demo
Jürgen Nicklisch-Franken demos Leksah, the Haskell IDE.
The new experimental debugger is introduced.